Help and a future for orphans, HIV patients and families in Uganda.

People in Uganda are suffering an acute crisis: the main causes of illness and death are an extreme lack of clean water, food and hygiene. Children, orphans and HIV sufferers in particular have to fend for themselves and often suffer from substantial poverty and desperation.
The ahudefo association (Ahuriire Development Foundation) aims to help people to help themselves – with water, food (expanding the banana plantations and cattle rearing), significantly improved training and education opportunities and long-term medical care.
We can only develop the future if we have concrete help: every cent of your donation to ahudefo will be used where it is needed.
Your assistance:
- One-off donation
- Standing order
- Sponsorship
- Voluntary service (6-12 months)
Every donation will go directly to those affected to provide hope and a future. Thank you!
Association management and donations account
Dr. med. Klaus Kritzinger
Verein ahudefo-Austria, 4824 Gosau 441, Austria
Tel.: +43 (0) 61 36/82 15, Mobile: +43 (0) 664/184 30 60
Donations account ahudefo-Austria:
IBAN AT86 3466 9000 0017 0266, BIC: RZOOAT2L669